Joining us and training
Plenty of our new Support Workers join us with no experience in a care job so we have a really thorough induction plan to help you every step of the way.
Your Support Worker induction starts with ‘core’ training for the Support Worker (Care Certificate) Standards. You'll get to know what’s expected of you, understand the types of settings we have, and know what good care and support look like.
We'll keep building on this with further learning sessions tailored to the person you are supporting. For example:
> Moving & Handling
> Epilepsy with Buccal Administration
> Safe Swallowing
> Physical Intervention
Once you start work at your service you'll have a full local induction. This will teach you about your location and the person you're supporting. Plus you'll get to know your team. In the early weeks and months, you'll carry on learning more of the skills and knowledge you'll need.
We also have our own specialist training team who build your skills in Positive Behaviour Support.